Thursday, February 23, 2012

Jillian. I will kill you.

Maybe this post should be "Jillian.  You will kill me." 

I used to never have to worry about exercise or diet- I was the skinniest thing in the room.  Always.  Then one day, about 7 months into my marriage, I was putting on a costume for Les Miserables.  It didn't fit.  I am pretty sure they had to let my dress out twice after that.

Fast forward 4 years or so.  Still having the same problem.  I'll finally buy clothes that fit.  A month later, they, too, will be tight.  Everyone says "You aren't fat." But I don't fit anymore.  And I don't like what I see in the mirror.

So I finally got so sick of looking at pictures of me that I hated and not fitting into my clothes and looking at my body getting bigger and bigger that I ordered Jillian Michaels' 30-day Shred from Netflix.

Started yesterday.  Thought I was going to collapse, throw up, DIE, or all three. 

Woke up today and can hardly walk across the room.  Had to choreograph a little "76 Trombones" and the marching and jumping are killing me a little bit.

I can do it.

I can do it.

I will!

Now I just have to stand up...


Lindsey said...

I've done that work out before, it's killer at first! But it gets a little easier after the first week or two. I personally have never made it past level 1. You can do it though! Just keep at it!!!!

DeeAura said...

Do it, do it, do it!! I did that for over a year, and I definitely moved on to level 2 after about...4 or 5 months? I thought I was going to die. But honestly, I was losing weight, and getting stronger. Level 3 made me want to die a horrible death, so...I might have gone back to level 2 for most of the time, and made myself do level 3 like...twice a month or something. haha. But honestly: I LOVE that workout because I was actually seeing results, and that had never happened to me before.

And as my final note? I must tell you I have cursed Jillian MANY times. Her life has been threatened more times than I care to admit. :) That is all.

Adriane said...

Been there girl. But the dying stops faster than you think it will, and I felt so tough when I could actually keep up! Uh..with level 1. But hey, I was keeping up with someone!